Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Origin and Effect of the 50 Year Theological Discrimination Policy Being Waged Against the Five Percenters

By Professor Born Supreme P.H.D. 7 Allah A.K.A. Born

In order to understand the way the public perception of the Five Percenters has been shaped and molded from the 50 year time period of 1964-2014, we have to start from the earliest portrayals of the Five Percenters in the media in this timeframe. We also have to research from the special perspective of knowing the specific tactics that were being used by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI to deliberately create a negative image of them because the introduction of the Five Percenters A.K.A. The Nation of Gods and Earths to the public through the media was initiated by racist elements within the mainstream media in 1965. The specific way that they were mentally portrayed in the media was for the sole purpose of promoting the idea that the FIVE PERCENTERS were a black supremacist, anti-white paramilitary organization with funding from Cuba and possibly other communist countries.
This media campaign was one prong in a series of steps that were initiated in reaction to the fear that was created by a speech that was given by LIVINGSTON WINGATE. WINGATE was President of HARLEM YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED - ASSOCIATED COMMUNITY TEAMS (A.K.A. HARYOU-ACT). Shortly before the first articles ever appeared in a newspaper about the Five Percenters, WINGATE indicated that a secret paramilitary group would react with explosive violence if HARYOU-ACT was ever defunded by the U.S. Government. The media’s reaction to what WINGATE said was to infer that he was talking about a growing new threat known as the FIVE PERCENTERS in three separate articles written in N.Y. Daily News, N.Y. Herald Tribune and the N.Y. Times. All 3 articles came out in these 3 papers on the same day (October 18, 1965).
In this essay, I’m going to document exactly who did what and when to prove that this unreviewed initial smear campaign initiated against THE FIVE PERCENTERS in the media in 1965 has served as the manufactured justification to violate the civil rights of the citizens of the NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS over the last 50 years. A lot of those same justifications in the 1960’s are being used in U.S. Prisons in 2014 to justify the general racist practice of targeting NATION members for punitive sanctions based on nothing but their individual understanding of God being the blackman.
As evidence, I’m going to refer to the actual words of the FBI agents that were assigned to surveil certain FIVE PERCENTERS from 1965-1969 and the founder of the NATION (formally known as the Five Percenters). I encourage anyone doing serious research into the information in this essay to acquire the list of sources I’m referencing and review them for yourself.

Basic Background Information

The founder of the FIVE PERCENT NATION was a man named ALLAH. He was born on February 22, 1928 as Clarence Smith in Danville, Virginia to Mary and Louis Smith. They had Clarence in the order of five of their seven total children. In the mid 1940’s, Mary Smith came to New York City seeking employment and her son came with her. The atmosphere in American race relations during this time had an impact on every Black person of his generation. They had to endure both individual and institutional fascism daily. His experience as well as his mother’s experience of being Black in America as citizens of a southern state gave them firsthand knowledge of what white people were collectively doing to Black people with little, if no consequences from the U.S. Government.
Despite the knowledge, Clarence still enlisted in the U.S. Army on October 30, 1952. He fought on the front lines as an infantryman in one of America’s most intense hand to hand combat wars … THE KOREAN WAR. In the course of his two year stay on the actual battlefield, Clarence saw a lot of death. He took and saved lives. He eventually was honored with multiple medals for this bravery and service by the United States Army (a Bronze Star and a Congressional Medal of Honor) before receiving an honorable discharge after serving eight years in the Army total (two years of active duty and six years stateside as a reservist).
In the course of his military service, he became a skilled practitioner of three types of Martial
Arts (Judo, Jujitsu and Karate). Around 1959, Clarence was in Harlem, New York and went to hear Malcolm X speak at the urging of his wife Dora who had joined the NOI (Nation of Islam). Once Clarence heard Malcolm X speak, he was moved enough to join the NOI He changed his name to Clarence 13X because all new member of the NOI were taught to give up the birth names given to them by slave owners and take on new names that represented their own lineage. Before receiving permanent names, NOI members received an X after the 1st name as their last name to represent their unknown identity in the wilderness of North America courtesy of being kidnapped from another continent by slave makers. CLARENCE SMITH became CLARENCE 13X because he was the 13th Clarence to join Malcolm X’s temple as a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammed. He stayed for three years (1960-1963) formally. During his time as a student in Temple #7 under the Minister Malcolm X, Clarence 13X studied the NATION OF ISLAM'S teachings with a critical eye. At that time, the NOI taught that W. F. MUHAMMED A.K.A. WALLACE DELANEY FARD (who was a half black and half white man from the Middle East that looked white) was actually God in person. They also taught that he had chosen Elijah Muhammed to be his messenger to the lost and found people who were Black in the wilderness of North America. Certain formal members of the NOI eventually required to commit a series of conversations between W. F. MUHAMMED and the HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMED to memory called THE BOOK OF SUPREME WISDOM or THE SUPREME WISDOM LESSONS after being deemed worthy of receiving these lessons by the more learned leaders in the NOI hierarchy.
After being deemed worthy, CLARENCE 13X learned and began to dissect the SUPREME
WISDOM LESSONS. As he internalized the information and tested the validity of each statement in a logical way, he noticed that the lessons referred to the collective BLACKMAN as ALLAH and not just W. F. MUHAMMED. He concluded that he two was ALLAH since the lessons stated every Blackman is ALLAH. He began voicing his idea to the people around him. After hearing what
CLARENCE 13X was saying to the people, the leaders in the NOI temple #7, and Clarence 13X, agreed that it was time for Clarence 13X to leave ranks of the NOI. CLARENCE 13X dropped the X from his name after coming to this new found understanding of his identity. He took on the name ALLAH and began teaching the people in his environment (the streets of Harlem, New York) his understanding of the Blackman’s true identity. The people his age in 1963 when he left the NOI were reluctant to change what they were doing and the way they thought so ALLAH changed his focus to the youth. He taught four children who taught five others and the nine children became known as the 1st nine born. ALLAH developed a system called THE SUPREME MATHEMATICS with another veteran named ABU SHAHID (born JOHN BROOKS) from BRONX, NEW YORK after ABU left the NOI Temple #7 also ALLAH’s unique speaking style coupled with his charismatic personality began to attract the more dominant youth in each age group in the Harlem streets. As the children began to spread his teachings and bring more children from the official birthdate of the Five Percent (10-10-1964) to the spring of 1965, the Five Percenters began to attract the attention of local state and federal eyes and ears.


The racial tension that was occurring in Harlem reached a new level in the 1960’s. The unrest exploded into full blown violence because of the mistreatment and suffering that Black residents were experiencing at the hands of a white ran City Hall and Police Department. Certain Black leaders in the community were speaking out and being targeted by both the State and Federal Government’s resources for their blatant opposition. This was a common practice during the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION’S direction under JOHN EDGAR HOOVER A.K.A. J. EDGAR HOOVER (1895-1972).
J. EDGAR HOOVER was born in Washington D.C. He became a lawyer in the U.S. Justice Department and assisted Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1872-1936) in deportation on cases of suspected Bolsheviks from 1919-1921. In 1924, HOOVER was named Director of FBI He reshaped the FBI’s infrastructure and helped make it into the organization that it is today in 2014.
In the 1930’s, he successfully publicized the FBI’s achievements in capturing gangsters and expanded the size of what was formerly named the BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. This was when it got renamed the FBI HOOVER received authorization to investigate the activities of Communists and Fascists which he cleverly expanded to include the surveillance of all radicals and activists from the KKK to Martin Luther King Jr. He gave very little attention to organized crime after his initial accomplishments. He turned his attention to the collection of secret files and domestic spying. He used his data to discourage presidents and others in prominent circles of power from criticizing or interfering in his conduct. Although he was looked upon as a despicable person by most of the people in the U.S. Government, he remained in complete control of the FBI and its resources for 48 years. That control only ended because he died. No one disputed the fact that J. EDGAR HOOVER used the power of the FBI to attack the progress of black causes and Black Leaders while directing its resources away from Whites committing civil rights violations against Black people in their official positions within state and local governments.
The official birthday of the FIVE PERCENT NATION is Oct 10, 1964 by most of its Elders’ accounts but the FBI didn’t create files on ALLAH or THE FIVE PERCENTERS until 1965. In 1965, the FBI created two separate files. ALLAH’S file (FBI file #100-444636) opened September 17, 1965 and culminates on June 25, 1969 after his June 13, 1969 assassination. It contains 16 Special Agent in Charge (SAC) memos, 130 page synopsis report, two attached letterhead memos, newspaper clippings of Allah’s murder and one memo from J. Edgar Hoover dated March 3,1967. The larger file labeled THE FIVE PERCENTERS (FBI file #157-6-34) runs from June 1, 1965 until October 4, 1967. It contains 22 Special Agent in Charge (SAC) memos. Twelve of these have attached letterhead memos, various appendices, newspaper articles and two memos from J. EDGAR HOOVER (one dated October 22, 1965 and one dated August 24, 1966). Together, both files consisted of about 400 pages. The FBI files are independent of Hoover’s personal security index and are obtainable pursuant to the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (F.O.I.A.) upon request or by going to the reading room of the FBI online at www.fbi.gov. The security index is classified as a matter of National Security. Nelson Mandela was on the updated version of the security index (which is now called the Terrorist Watch list) until 2008 although he was the President of South Africa during that time period.
On May 31, 1965, ALLAH observed NYPD officers harassing some local black children.
He came over to observe their interaction with them and the community began to become dissatisfied at the conduct of the officers. As the crowd swelled in number, the NYPD officers started to feel overwhelmed and called for backup. The additional officers antagonized the crowd and the crowd became defiant. When it was all over, ALLAH and several FIVE PERCENTERS ended up being arrested for disorderly conduct, assault and a few other trumped up charges. It was days after this incident that the first file on THE FIVE PERCENTERS was opened up by FBI agents. Due to this decision, the FBI began to use the unlimited resources of the U.S. Government to surveil ALLAH and a group of children ranging in age from 13-22 years old.
What people fail to realize is that from then to 2014 most of J. EDGAR HOOVER’S policies and mandates have never been reviewed and changed to reflect the changes that occurred in civil rights legislation since that time. For instance, J. EDGAR HOOVER’S SECURITY INDEX was basically his Blacklist of troublemakers that needed to be watched or taught a lesson.
The security index dates back to 1939 and operated as HOOVER’S personal card catalog intended to hasten the mass arrest of radical subversives in the event of war up until the 1960’s. After the 1960’s, the SECURITY INDEX started being used to keep track of “racial agitators” (see RACIAL MATTERS - THE FBI’S SECURITY FILE ON BLACK AMERICA, 1960-1972 by Kenneth O’Reilly pages 274-275). ALLAH was placed on J. EDGAR HOOVER’S personal SECURITY INDEX among 1,497 “African-Americans” as verified in FBI Files #100-444636 Clarence 13X Smith. This file indicates that a January 17, 1966 30 page “synopsis report” concluded that “subject (Clarence 13X Smith) be included on the security index”. In the file, a March 17, 1965 Assistant Attorney General, Internal Security Division to Director Memo indicates that J. EDGAR HOOVER granted the request and placed ALLAH on the SECURITY INDEX even though he was imprisoned for most of the time subsequent to the request. The file also indicates that ALLAH remained on HOOVER’S SECURITY INDEX for at least 18 months.
These types of facts are not being considered by various courts when they weigh the constitutional rights violation claims of Five Percenters in their litigation proceedings. The fact that a lot of the developments in the media and government relations with the Five Percenters were a direct result of ALLAH’S placement on the SECURITY INDEX need to be considered before any legal decisions are initiated in the courts. The records in courts need to reflect the true history of the Five Percenters with the FBI starting with the choice by J.EDGAR HOOVER to place the founder of it on the SECURITY INDEX without any form of oversight or due process.

The N.Y.P.D. and FBI Collaboration

The initial purpose of the FBI’s surveillance of the FIVE PERCENTERS was to investigate the rumor that they were connected to a bigger, more powerful communist organization that was funding them, but as agents began to follow them over a period of time, they quickly discovered that none of the rumors that they had heard from informants were true. Agents reported this fact to J.EDGAR HOOVER but he wasn’t ready to quit looking for the connection. He ordered filed agents in New York to determine the structure of the FIVE PERCENTERS in ideology, if they were a violent threat, and if they had links to a larger, more sinister organization.
The NYPD Bureau of Special Services (also known as B.O.S.S.I.) joined the FBI and took the lead in the FIVE PERCENTERS investigation after the SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE of the New York office of the FBI determined that the FIVE PERCENTERS were just a rowdy bunch of teenaged kids on the streets of Harlem. J. EDGAR HOOVER still wasn’t satisfied with the information he received from the New York field office. He opened another file independent of the FIVE PERCENTER file on ALLAH and focused on investigating his movements and relationships.
The first FBI file indicates that the FBI knew in advance that ALLAH’S bond would be raised and that they knew that he would be held for a commitment to Mattawan State Hospital (a Mental Institution) before he ever saw the judge. How was that possible? (See November 16, 1965 memo in file #157-6-34). BRADLEY COOPER suggests in his essay called “Poor Righteous Teaching: The Story of the FBI and the FIVE PERCENTERS” that the government/FBI created the circumstances that put ALLAH in MATTEWAN STATE HOSPITAL for 20 months (from September 30, 1965 to March 1967) to get him off the streets because they thought that his physical absence would bring about the destruction of the FIVE PERCENTERS.
Whether his observation is accurate or not, it’s provable that the FBI did know that the Five Percenters were being justifiably demonized by the NYPD and the White media and did nothing to protect their rights or correct the misinformation that was being distributed to the public about them. The FBI can’t dispute this face because they admit it in their own words in their files. The FBI’s initial tactics regarding the FIVE PERCENTERS in the media was to influence all of their media contacts to never mention the term “FIVE PERCENTERS.” The exact reason was because they feared that the HARLEM 6 case which involved some FIVE PERCENTERS standing up against racist police would inspire others to stand up. They also feared that the public would become aware and possibly fearful of a brand new Black National Group. The June 2, 1965 editions of New York Times and the Daily News described the HARLEM 6 as “Black Muslims” and the FBI wanted to keep it that way according to FBI file # 157-6-34’s June 2, 1965 letterhead memo and June 22, 1965 SAC New York to Director.
The 1st mention of THE FIVE PERCENTERS by a white media outlet caused the FBI to scramble doing damage control. They had been successful at keeping THE FIVE PERCENTERS out of the press but that changed on October 18, 1965. On that day, three separate articles on THE FIVE PERCENTERS appeared in the New York Times, New York Herald Tribune and New York Daily News. All three of these articles made THE FIVE PERCENTERS sound like a serious threat to the safety of the public. A DAILY NEWS article by Theodore Jones called “5 PERCENTERS CALLED HOODLUMS: ACTIONS BLAMED ON FRUSTRATION” described the 5 percenters as a group who were “only happy to turn the community into chaos and turmoil”. JAMES W. SULLIVAN wrote an article for the New York Herald Tribune called HARLEM 5 PERCENTERS - TERROR GROUP REVEALED. SULLIVAN’S article compared the 5 Percenters organization to the KLU KLUX KLAN and HITLER YOUTH and then went on to implicate the Five Percenters in a 1965 string of assaults on teachers in NEW YORK Public Schools. Homer Bigart wrote an article in the New York Times called WINGATE WARNS OF NEGRO REVOLT IF HARYOU-ACT’s PROGRAM IS CURBED. Bigart’s article claimed to be based on a three week long independent investigation and stated that “THE FIVE PERCENTERS were said to be receiving funds and advice from outside of the United States possibly from CUBA or Communist Groups.”
These articles were triggered as responses to a speech given by a black man named LIVINGSTON WINGATE. WINGATE was President of HARLEM YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES
UNLIMITED - ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY TEAMS aka HARYOU-ACT. After Wingate gave a speech indicating that a secret paramilitary organization existed that would react with explosive violence if HARYOU-ACT lost its Federal Funding, someone inferred that Wingate was talking about a group called THE FIVE PERCENTERS and all three of the these newspapers ran stories about the claims as if they were confirmed as true.
The fear that these articles generated in the public forced the FBI into action. They responded by publicizing a few local problems and then exaggerating the significance of those publicized incidents to make it appear as if they were cooperating with the NYPD to neutralize the “new” FIVE PERCENTERS to threat.

The Change in Five Percent Media Relations in 1967

From 1965 to 1967 the term Five Percenters was a dirty word associated Communism and anti-white Black Nationalism but that changed under the JOHN V. LINDSAY administration. Once ALLAH got out of Mattawan State Hospital on March 19, 1967 Mayor Lindsay had already began taking a different approach in dealing with the problems of the inner city youth. Instead of brute force and racist aggression, Mayor Lindsay urged New York’s OFFICE of ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY to provide programs for the kids to enroll after school. He also decided to reach out to Black people in the community that were influential among the youth. During this time, someone brought ALLAH to the attention of the Mayor’s Chief Aide BARRY GOTHERER who was actually the brain behind a lot of the changes in the City Hall policies concerning race relations in Harlem.
ALLAH left a positive impression on BARRY GOTHERER after they met and they developed a good relationship. GOTHERER would come to see ALLAH in the heart of HARLEM and they would discuss different topics in ALLAH’s favorite hangouts. With Gotherer’s assistance, ALLAH secured a 99 year lease for a building at 2122 7th Avenue in Harlem to create the URBAN LEAGUE STREET ACADEMY that opened its doors for the first time to the neighborhood youth to learn reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects. Young Five Percenters came in large groups. The STREET ACADEMY eventually changed its name to The ALLAH SCHOOL IN MECCA since Mecca was the name given to HARLEM by the FIVE PERCENTERS. The street Academy became what it is still the National Headquarters of the FIVE PERCENTERS who are now known as THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS. Around this time period in 1967, the media began to change its portrayal of the FIVE PERCENTERS. BARRY GOTHERER convinced the editors at the New York Times to print a retraction and change a story referring to the FIVE PERCENTERS as anti-white since he was white and they weren’t showing these characteristics to him. The New York Times didn’t protest the request despite their previous history of portraying the FIVE PERCENTERS as an anti-white violent street gang, they changed their policy.
Shortly after, the New York Times retraction began to print positive articles about ALLAH and THE FIVE PERCENTERS. For instance, ALLAH and the FIVE PERCENTERS were praised by BAYARD RUSTIN in a September 9, 1967 article in THE AMSTERDAM NEWS (Brooklyn Section). In this particular article, BAYARD RUSTIN indicates that “SENATOR EDWARD BROOKE in his capacity as a member of the President’s U.S. Anti- Riot Investigating Commission visited the National Headquarters of the FIVE PERCENTERS and saw a quiet, earnest, disciplined group of students that were hard at work studying”.
Keep in mind that BAYARD RUSTIN was the Director of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute at the time of the article. Why would Rustin risk his professional reputation by writing an article praising a gang of violence prone Street Hoodlums if the earlier New York Times, New York Herald Tribune and Daily News articles were accepted as true in the Harlem Community? Obviously the media’s relationship with the FIVE PERCENTERS was changing, but, why?
The period of time from March 1967 to June 1969 when ALLAH was gunned down in his wife Dora’s apartment complex was a time of nothing but positive stories from the media about the
FIVE PERCENTERS. For instance, NEW YORK MAGAZINE ran an article written by GLORIA
STEINEM and LLOYD WEAVER called THE CITY ON THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION on April 22, 1968. The STEINEM AND WEAVER article catapulted the FIVE PERCENTERS and ALLAH into the international spotlight. STEINEM and WEAVER wrote about the way that the
FIVE PERCENTERS had kept the peace in the streets of HARLEM after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. when Harlem residents were starting to riot. When ALLAH was murdered on June 13, 1969, BARRY GOTHERER and the MAYOR LINDSAY attended his funeral among over 400 people who chanted “ALLAH CAN’T DIE” in the Harlem streets while following Allah’s funeral procession. Allah’s actual funeral was immortalized by reporter LES MATTHEWS in THE AMSTERDAM NEWS in June 1969. The article in the newspaper summed up ALLAH’s life and his contributions to the youth.
The portrayal of the FIVE PERCENTERS in the mainstream media didn’t change back to being negative until the 1970’s. This change came about as a result of a PRISON RIOT in ATTICA, NEW YORK when Nelson Rockefeller was New York’s Governor because in 1971, a New York State Department of Corrections Commission somehow concluded that the FIVE PERCENTERS were the ones who initiated and organized the ATTICA PRISON RIOT.
The Commission was appointed by New York Governor HUGH CAREY and headed by NEW YORK STATE COURT JUDGE BERNARD S MEYER. Definition of accusation about the FIVE PERCENTERS instigating the ATTICA PRISON RIOT was never thoroughly investigated for validated documentation.
In fact, Parts 2 and 3 of the 3 Part MEYER COMMISSION REPORT were sealed until 2014.  NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN filed a formal request asking that the 570 page MEYER COMMISION REPORT detailing the events before and after the ATTICA PRISON RIOT be unsealed to bring closure to the families of those involved and ERIE COUNTY SUPREME COURT JUDGE PATRICK H. NeMoyer ruled on April 24, 2014 that the MEYER COMMISSION REPORT could be unsealed but only after all of the names in the report was redacted. Judge NeMOYER also ruled that all of the evidence that was presented to Grand Jury proceedings to decide who would be prosecuted had to be removed from the report.
The secrecy surrounding the ATTICA PRISON RIOT along with the limits placed on who could have access to the documents involved in the incident have made it difficult for the public to investigate unfounded accusations concerning involvement of THE FIVE PERCENTERS in the riot. All that we know for sure is that 32 prisoners  and 11 prison guards were killed while a lot more people were found critically wounded after NEW YORK STATE POLICE stormed ATTICA PRISON after a four day standoff and violently took control of it on September 13,  1971 under the command of former STATE POLICE COLONEL HENRY WILLIAMS.
Many have voiced the idea that THE FIVE PERCENTERS were simply used as a convenient scapegoat during that time and the public may never be granted access to the actual documents from those who were involved in the riot. Part 1 of the 3 part MEYER COMMISSION REPORT wasn't even voluntarily produced for public review by law enforcement officials. The first part of the report was compelled to be produced after former NEW YORK STATE PROSECUTOR MALCOLM BELL turned whistleblower in 1975. BELL alleged that STATE EMPLOYEES who retook ATTICA PRISON indiscriminately tortured and killed prisoners out of anger at the prison had already been reclaimed and was under state control again. BELL’S most shocking accusation was that top NEW YORK STATE officials knew about what he was alleging and that they had covered it up for those involved.
Although with MALCOLM BELL claimed took place may never be proven, what has been proven by this writer is that there were racist elements within the media distorting the public's perception of THE FIVE PERCENTERS. It has also been proven that those initial perceptions continue to exist in 2014 as a direct consequence of specific articles and news reports from the period of 1965 up to 2014 that either inaccurately or purposefully depict THE FIVE PERCENTERS as a Black Supremacist Hate Group or a gang even after 2nd District Court ruled that the FIVE PERCENTERS aka THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS were constitutionally protected GOD CENTERED CULTURE whose path to GOD was just as legitimate as any religions paths (see RASHAAD MARRIA  vs. RAYMOND BROADDUS 2003 WL 21782633 (S.D.N.Y.) at www.west law.com
Correcting the public perception of the FIVE PERCENTERS by those who misrepresented them would be as simple as we revisiting any articles that were mentioned in this essay and printing attractions as a start, but no one is expecting that to happen. The deeper and more relevant question is, WHY NOT?



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