My ability to adapt to and master
street and/or prison environments comes from years of watching the best
criminals operate as a youth on what’s known as “Monks Corner”. However, my ability to examine information
critically is due to the impact of the teachings of the Nation of Gods and
Earth’s, which starts with the history of a man known as Allah (The Father).
When Allah was killed on that fateful date of June 13, 1969, I wasn’t birthed
or born yet but what he put in motion was a form of Energy that has not and
will not ever die.
I’ve begun to mature and learn the value of researching, I recently went back
and investigated the fundamentals of some of the more prominent physicists and
scientists of the last few hundred years. According to Sir Isaac Newton’s
Newtonian physics and Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity, Energy never
dies. It changes forms but it never ceases to exist. I looked up Energy in my
Webster’s Dictionary, and it says that Energy is the property of something that
enables it to do work. Thoughts are a form of Energy. A thought that was put
into motion in 1964 is still affecting people 48 years later.
the first time I ever heard someone say that the Blackman is God, I always felt
that the things that I was being taught in Church were inadequate to explain
the mechanics of the laws of the Universe.
can recall the way my questions were redirected unanswered or trivialized by
the adults that I asked them to in and out of church. I was a very inquisitive
youth and even back then, I had serious doubts about the concept of a Mystery
God being responsible for so much of my life and other peoples.
just felt like there had to be more to it that I wasn’t being told. I began to
go to the Freeport Public Library (Freeport, N.Y., which is on Long Island) and
just peruse through various books with no real destination in mind back in
1988. This was where I came across books presented alternative explanations to
the teachings of religion in regard to how we (men and women) were created, as
well as how the Universe came to be.
read Almanacs that chronicled The Big Bang theory in vivid detail and also came
across books by H.P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant and other prominent authors of
Theosophy. It was around that time that I heard Rakim Allah rap about the same
topics in “Follow The Leader”, which was a song off of an album with the same
title. I purchased the tape and in the
comfort of my grandparents’ basement, I began to put the pieces together by
dissecting every line of the album.
seeds were planted and I began to see myself as one of the Gods. I told my
grandma that I was cool on the bacon and BBQ spareribs. That summer I met a God
named Justice, who I convinced to give me the knowledge of self by coming
around him and repeatedly bugging him. You have to remember that I was a lot
younger than the other Gods in the 1st Cipher I was sparked in. There
was a God named Elevation God Allah whom I had known as Roger, who woke up
around the same time. He was a few years older than me, which really mattered
back then. I would go to Harris Avenue in Freeport and build with the God
Justice, Elevation, and a wise older God named Everlasting. Back then I had no
understanding of our family tree and how we all should be able to trace our
history to the Father Allah, and the first 9 born through our Enlightener, so I
didn’t actively seek that information back then.
was so happy to be around people who thought like me, and seeing the way all
the females worshipped the ground that the God’s walked on was an added
incentive for me to learn as much as I could from them.
was never taught about the Father or the Nation History by the Gods I was
around back then. I did my 3 day fast, and was given a Righteous attribute by
Justice which was (Positive Born Allah) and then the Supreme Mathematics.
I showed and proved that I could recite the breakdowns of both my attribute and
then the Supreme Mathematics, I was given the Supreme Alphabet 3 degrees at a
mastered what I was given and shortly before I was to receive the next science,
I ended up stealing my grandfather’s starter pistol out of his drawer and
hitting someone in the head with it at a party as I was in the midst of being
jumped (or about to be). That situation would land me in New York’s Juvenile
Corrections system Upstate. The 1st stop was a place that served as
reception in Westbury, New York. There were a few cats who had the knowledge of
Self in there, but we were all so young that most of us thought that all we
needed to do was memorize the degrees and that quoting them was the goal. I
didn’t have any understanding of the application of the lessons back then, so
by the time I got to the Student Enrollment I was a simple parrot just going
through the motions with no Wisdom of the Knowledge.
was also my introduction to resistance from the powers that were our handlers
concerning the validity of my culture. I would spend hours striving to explain
that our culture wasn’t a Posse (back in the 80’s word) and why we weren’t
black supremacists to the staff who usually had their minds made up already. It
was as if they just didn’t want to understand us and wanted to take any or
everything that we found that we could relate to away from us. This only pushed
me towards the Lessons as an act of civil disobedience.
spent about 14 months in the juvenile systems that time and in the course of
going to different facilities and group homes I met Gods that I picked up
different jewels format various stages. The God’s from Medina (Brooklyn) were
the 1st Gods that I saw really representing this way of life with
strength and holding people accountable under the penalty of corporal
punishment. They would fuck you up over the lessons and everyone knew it! We
would have ciphers and people would get punched in they shit and/or stomped out
for playing with the culture, violating the dietary laws or just doing weak
shit period. I didn’t know 120 back then, but I made sure that I knew what I
claimed to know, which was up to the Student Enrollment 10th degree.
Back then, we tried to spark others into this way of life, and before we knew
it we had 120 because we didn’t know any better. So a God who didn’t know 120at
all might have 3 people that were calling him their Enlightener. I now know
that this wasn’t right or exact, but back then we did it. I got out of juvenile
when I was almost 16 and I went to Medina’s Fort Greene Rallies and saw a few
Gods that I had met in juvenile. I also went to Harlem, a.k.a. Mecca just to
see what the parliament was all about and how it ran.
bumped into Everlasting at Harriet Tubman High School in the late 90’s, which
was the last time I saw the Elder God. I didn’t realize until after I
knowledged and wisdomed 120 to begin the process of understanding 120 how
important the God Everlasting was to my history as a person. See, the God was
the reason that my Enlightener and a lot of the other Gods in the 1st
cipher I was in as a youth even had access to this knowledge in that area in
the first place.
I knew then what I know now, I would have taken full advantage of the
opportunity to learn more about the application of the culture from him instead of casually rubbing elbows with
the God on my way to places or people that couldn’t teach me what he could
we fast-forward to 2012. I am currently incarcerated in Ohio where I have been
for the last 10 years of a 20 year sentence. I knowledge 120 in 2003 and began
teaching people the science of Everything in Life after earning my Universal
Flag from an Elder God from Ohio that I came in time with named Lord Malik
King. I went back and amassed a library of cultural books, newspapers, and
internet material from the Allah Schools of The Nation to make the information
on how to live out this way of life right and exact available to anybody
sincerely seeking to know in this environment.
the last 8 years I’ve dedicated myself to the academic study, as well as living
application of the Nation of Gods and Earth 8 Point Curriculum. The positive
results are obvious to anyone who knew me before I began this swim and saw me
again after I swam 9000 miles mentally 120 times. I started an organization
called the Incarcerated 7’s which is a loose knit group of Gods in various
prisons throughout the United States, state and Fed).
was just an idea based on my inability to get answers to questions about
various degrees in the lessons. I began writing incarcerated Gods in The Five
Percenter Newspaper to build, and it quickly began to spread. Through the Gods
I met, I began writing the God STRO a.k.a. Divine All Wise Allah and Asiatic
Prince from Cleveland, Ohio.
brothers were instrumental in spreading the culture in Ohio’s prisons. Asiatic
went home and created a group called One Cipher-20 on-line, which we used to
build with the On-line Nation members and exchange ideas to this day.
2011, I began compiling my first book, which is called the Incarcerated 7’s
Anthology, Volume #1. It contains writings, essays, short stories, poetry, and
things like that from Gods that are on lock as well as a few friends that
aren’t in the Nation that I found worthy of being in the book. It makes me feel
good to know that I am having a positive impact on so many lives despite the
attempts of the wicked to smother me out and take a large chunk of my life.
plan on destroying these various policies that restrict the Nation members from
living out the tenets of the culture behind these prison walls, to show forth
my power and then after I’m done doing that I am going to liberate myself and
walk out of prison a free man with no strings attached. I’ll be back in New
York with the Universal family shining with my Greatest and only Universal Flag
Tattoo exposed for the whole world to see long before my projected release
then, I’m here via the Incarcerated 7’s Blog where I will be visibly building
constantly on relevant topics concerning the Nation behind these walls to keep
the Gods in here connected. I’m not going away quietly, and I won’t be mentally
broken or driven to dysfunction anytime soon. I plan on using this time to
multiply our numbers behind these walls the same way that the Father Allah
multiplied our numbers while he was in Mattewan State Hospital.
to the Gods and Earths like my cousin Shadina Equality who support me out
there. I’m looking for a sincere Earth of my own that is willing to take this
journey with me and face these obstacles with this King while reflecting my
light. If that sounds like you, contact me on our Blog at http://TheIncarcerated7sBlog.Blogspot.com, on Facebook at
Robert Born Goldwire, on Twitter or by Email at Incarcerated7s@hotmail.com.
are serious times that call for a serious approach and the strength of a 5%
woman. I leave you how I came, which is in a state of peace. Until the book hits
the stores and internet for sale, be on the lookout for it and the excerpts
that I’ll be posting on the Blog in the near future from the book.
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