I recently obtained a copy of PEOPLE FOR CHANGE which was
dated Summer 2012 while I was looking for a kite at the Corrections Officers
desk. THE
PEOPLE FOR CHANGE Newsletter is a collection of writings that are written by
various prisoners in TOLEDO CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION and circulated by the staff
and students at the UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO. I took it back to my cell and once the cellblock became quiet I began to
peruse through it out of sheer boredom. I was instantly drawn to the writers as
they shared their experience within the walls of various prisons. It was as if
I was being drawn to the magnetic quality of each mans writings on a deeper
level. One of the writers was a man I had grown familiar with from doing time
around him at other institutions. He had a unique name so I was sure it was him
when I read his piece and saw his name after the material. I stopped him one
day on the way to the chow hall/cafeteria and inquired as to how he had gotten
involved with writing for the newsletter.
He gave me the knowledge and told me to write something and
give it to him for him to present to the people that had put the newsletter
together. I reread the material one more time to get a feel of how it was
formatted. The particular issue that I had came upon ended by explaining that
the next topic for the newest newsletter would be "WHAT IS FREEDOM AND
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU?" with that title fresh in the chambers of my
minds eye I turned out the lights and just began travel through myself.
See, I know this topic well because Freedom is a word I've
grown very familiar with over the last 10 years. I've envisioned having access
to it consistently everyday as my goal for the last 10 year, 20 days, 5 hours,
and 45 seconds as of this writing. The dictionary defines Freedom as: exemption
or liberation from the control of some arbitrary power. I define Freedom that
way in a physical sense but the element of Freedom transcends the Physical form
to me. I say this because a person can be physically free but in a state of
mental bondage due to the lack of knowledge of him or herself. Though many
don't realize it, both have toxic effects though they might manifest in different
ways. I find it interesting that a person can sometimes have to lose their
physical freedom to gain mental freedom in form of self awareness. It's like
they have to free their dome or mind into a state of awareness to begin to see
clearly and become capable of grasping things that are affecting them and their
loved ones.
One of the biggest lessons that I've learned from my
experience of being confined in Ohio's Industrial Prison Complex is that a man
only learns what he teaches himself. It took me years of experimenting with
High Explosives in the laboratory of Life to discover that freedom is a jewel
that comes in degrees. Even in prison a person can still be place into deeper
degree of confinement such as segregation, 23 hour lock down etc...
Although a person’s knowledge of the law and its application
determine if that person can born the circumstances to change their outdate a
person can decide to free themselves from being a slave to a mental death and
power just by deciding that they no longer want to accept being in that state
of mind. To me this where true freedom starts before it can be projected into a
person’s outward reality by their mental concentration and focus.
Once a person obtains the proper knowledge of self they are
now equipped to free the domes of other mathematically by taking them thru the
same steps of enlightenment which is what civilized people do once they truly
understand what freedom is anyways. This is how I learned the value of this
jewel and that to reap the benefits of having it I would have to give it away.
Too bad it took me so long to get it but better late than never.
"Proper education always corrects errors."
Toledo Correctional Institution Toledo, Ohio
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