Tuesday, December 11, 2012



Dear Grandchild,
I received my 1st picture of you in the mail today(11-6-2012).A lot is going on right now. Today is the day that America is going to find out who will be the President of the United States for the next four years but in the midst of all of the excitement and nervous anticipation about that decision, my mind is preoccupied with thoughts concerning you and what your birth will mean for my future.
See, my life has been a series of both smart and not so intelligent decisions up to this point in time but the one thing that I know that I did right was the choice that I made to have your mother despite all of the obstacles that I was facing at the time that I found out that your Grandmother' was pregnant with her.
There  were people on both sides of our family that thought that me and your Grandmother were too young to take care of a baby because we were both very young ourselves but I instinctively knew that your Grandmother and I were both participating in the production of someone great.
I didn't know the exact words to articulate what I was feeling , but I knew that it was bigger than both of us and that my job was to insure that things stayed on course and that the baby was born. In April of 1994, I finally got the present that I had been waiting for. I was even lucky enough to be there and cut the umbilical cord that gave your mother the same belly button that she has to this day.
I was very young and reckless with a lot of potential but I lacked patience and discipline so eventually I became a statistic in the belly of the prison system on multiple occasions. I missed the little things that others take for granted like waking up with your mother, taking her to school and the little things that real Fathers do. Over the 18 years since your mother was born, I changed a lot just like everything else governed by time. Physically, I lost my hair, I gained 25 pounds that I have to work out constantly to prevent from getting out of hand and I am currently serving a 20 year prison sentence In Ohio's Dept of Rehabilitation and Correction.
It is from this position with 10 years of that 20 year sentence completed that I am looking at the events of both of our lives unfold. It’s as if I am a spectator on the sidelines watching my life unfold from an objective point of view.
When I look at you in this sonogram, I see more than just a picture. This sonogram represents the future of our bloodline and the next chapter of my life. I know I'll be a much better Grandfather than I was a Father because I've grown as a person and I've learned a lot more about myself. Even though I missed so much of the beginning of your mother’s life it just makes these last years that I've spent reacquainting myself with her more meaningful. She has a lot of my qualities and she is a strong woman with principles and integrity which amazes me and makes me proud that I'm her Father.
As I sit in my cell looking at your picture, I am having an epiphany at this very moment as I write this. I am realizing that everything that I thought was a priority wasn't and that my entire existence and all of my experiences up until this point have been a link within a chain of events that were put in motion in order to produce -the exact conditions for your mental, physical and spiritual arrival.
It is only now, that I am finally able to see that it took your presence in my life for me to, be able, to grasp the bigger picture. I want to thank you for giving me the gift of clarity and for guiding me toward my true purpose which was to first experience myself from another perspective and then to rise to the task of unlocking my full potential with that knowledge. Last but not least, I want to thank you for giving me another good reason to fight harder for my freedom which is.... To be there for you.

GRANDPA .        



recently obtained a copy of PEOPLE FOR CHANGE which was dated Summer 2012 while I was looking for a kite at the Corrections Officers desk. THE PEOPLE FOR CHANGE Newsletter is a collection of writings that are written by various prisoners in TOLEDO CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION and circulated by the staff and students at the UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO. I took it back to my cell and once the cellblock became quiet I began to peruse through it out of sheer boredom. I was instantly drawn to the writers as they shared their experience within the walls of various prisons. It was as if I was being drawn to the magnetic quality of each mans writings on a deeper level. One of the writers was a man I had grown familiar with from doing time around him at other institutions. He had a unique name so I was sure it was him when I read his piece and saw his name after the material. I stopped him one day on the way to the chow hall/cafeteria and inquired as to how he had gotten involved with writing for the newsletter.
He gave me the knowledge and told me to write something and give it to him for him to present to the people that had put the newsletter together. I reread the material one more time to get a feel of how it was formatted. The particular issue that I had came upon ended by explaining that the next topic for the newest newsletter would be "WHAT IS FREEDOM AND WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU?" with that title fresh in the chambers of my minds eye I turned out the lights and just began travel through myself.
See, I know this topic well because Freedom is a word I've grown very familiar with over the last 10 years. I've envisioned having access to it consistently everyday as my goal for the last 10 year, 20 days, 5 hours, and 45 seconds as of this writing. The dictionary defines Freedom as: exemption or liberation from the control of some arbitrary power. I define Freedom that way in a physical sense but the element of Freedom transcends the Physical form to me. I say this because a person can be physically free but in a state of mental bondage due to the lack of knowledge of him or herself. Though many don't realize it, both have toxic effects though they might manifest in different ways. I find it interesting that a person can sometimes have to lose their physical freedom to gain mental freedom in form of self awareness. It's like they have to free their dome or mind into a state of awareness to begin to see clearly and become capable of grasping things that are affecting them and their loved ones.
One of the biggest lessons that I've learned from my experience of being confined in Ohio's Industrial Prison Complex is that a man only learns what he teaches himself. It took me years of experimenting with High Explosives in the laboratory of Life to discover that freedom is a jewel that comes in degrees. Even in prison a person can still be place into deeper degree of confinement such as segregation, 23 hour lock down etc...
Although a person’s knowledge of the law and its application determine if that person can born the circumstances to change their outdate a person can decide to free themselves from being a slave to a mental death and power just by deciding that they no longer want to accept being in that state of mind. To me this where true freedom starts before it can be projected into a person’s outward reality by their mental concentration and focus.
Once a person obtains the proper knowledge of self they are now equipped to free the domes of other mathematically by taking them thru the same steps of enlightenment which is what civilized people do once they truly understand what freedom is anyways. This is how I learned the value of this jewel and that to reap the benefits of having it I would have to give it away. Too bad it took me so long to get it but better late than never.
"Proper education always corrects errors."
Toledo Correctional Institution Toledo, Ohio


Peace to all wise elevators that are truly living mathematics.  I break the seal on this science in the name of myself.  Who’s proper name is the A.T.T.A.C.K. Which breaks down as the Almighty cause there is none above my infinite potential & drive and motivation to be the best me I can be.  Tru which is the implication & reality that all I am is to be in accord with the truth.  All my likes along with our beloved Lost & found Gods & Earths can call me Tru for short, cause it all speaks volume to who I be & born, also was a part of my first attribute (Tru Culture).  Totalitarian can be defined as above any reproach or supreme authority.  That our perfect culture of I.S.L.A.M. & that set the table for everything I think, say, eat or do!  Allah which is the all in all, truly the total collective of all the original people or the greatness of unity that shows anything can be created or achieved with the proper growth & development of the divine mind.  Conquering is indeed what I do each and every day.  I prove who I be, cause of the daily temptations & pitfalls of the majority of masses weakness of acceptance of continuing to not come into their own.  Instead, they remain dumb, deaf, & blind.  King is my proper place & position.  I’ve surpassed just visualizing myself as a king.  I am taking active steps of building my own righteous empire of knowledge, wisdom & understanding.  This is a must to manifest in the real world materials & resources to be able to guide & teach our youth what it takes to make money.  Words are not enough.  The babies are starving & receiving nothing from the devils.  That same nothing that they love them for!  Now that you know me a little more in depth, I wanted to build on our lessons (120) by dissecting the knowledge cipher degree in the (1-14) Lost & Found Muslim lesson #1, specifically the question: “Why does Muhammad or any Muslim murder four devils”?  What is the duty of each Muslim in regards to a mysterious force other than his own self, so, he is a slave to the devil.  Look, take away the you or universe (literally, if you are striving for perfection you will have to remove yourself from being bonded in slavery to any religion, vice or weakness) in the word four, it can unlock an inner meaning in this lesson, or should I say one of the hidden jewels.  Why does Muhammad or any Muslim murder for devils?  And what reward does a Muslim receive by presenting for Devils at one time?  The answer is because they are practicing religion & any man made religion is the source of almost all the suffering & murderous mind states that our people are caught up in.  Every single great man throughout history that taught the divinity of mans infinite potential to be the sole controller & ruler of all things had their teachings diluted, mixed & tampered with after their physical deaths, including some as recent as Fard, Elijah & Allah.  This is weakness to prescribe to submit to something seen as greater than yourself a mysterious force or a man that can save you from yourself & deeds!  So what is the reason that Muslims murder for devils?  How I see it 1st you have to fully understand what is being stated.  If one calls their self a Muslim they are in fact stating that they are in essence a wo-man (wombed-man) by definition, because the original woman was the 1st Muslim being that Allah the original man created her to fill the void left by his supreme act of self creation.  She had to submit to the will of Allah.  So for an original man to say that he is a Muslim is a form of mental death at the very pronoun cation of speaking that into existence. To compound that problem, white devils (pale Arabs) are controlling that religion.  So they have original man murdering for them & waiting for their pie in the sky!  100 virgins?  How sick and perverted is that?  This will be their reward by representing for devils!  Muslim have no unity amongst themselves, Sunni against & killing Shiite, etc…. There are many divisions in their religion, the same as all the rest, including but not limited to Christianity.  Bring this build back to main focus & goal, the Nation of Gods and Earths.  This confusion is to a degree born from a misunderstanding of our lessons and the significance & power words. I have heard so called gods call themselves Muslims many times.  Most notoriously was in the book Wakeel Allah complied titled, “In the name of Allah vol. 1”.  He stated, “I am a Muslim & God in every sense of the word.”  This is an impossibility because of clear contradiction in that statement.  Thousands of our youth could be led astray by this backward ideal.  The truth must be spoken regardless to whom or what!  So, why must W.E. Murder that determined idea & remove these false ideals from amongst U.S?  How do we go about correcting this error?  Just imagine me, The A.T.T.A.C.K., saying “I am a god & a Christian in every sense of the word!” I could see the destruction of such a statement.  No one would take me seriously, it would be assumed that I had lost my mind.  Why?  Why is it important for righteous people to stop murdering for devils?  Why must Muslims stop using our universal flag as a shield to hide their dirty religion?  Because we will never achieve our goals, aims & being who we say we are, until it is realized that we have to write our own history and doctrine of our perfect culture, in the process of murdering the ideals & works of our open enemies because their time to rule has been up & we can’t replace a white devil mentality for a black devil mentality.  Where will that get humanity?  I just want to open the discussion up with all which is holy, pure & hasn’t been mixed, diluted, or tampered with by the devils.  We need real solutions!  All answers to any one of my questions, I indeed want to hear from those wiser than me.  I know & understand some earthquakes will be had from unalikes posing as alikes.  I Fast & Build that all responses will add on to our national agenda & consciousness.  I am putting this out there for the world because I want feedback.  There’s more to come from the depths of my mind to spark real conversations that lead to cures of the sickness of our people.  They finally let the cure for HIV/AIDS out to the public after 25 years of suffering and death (will add on to that at a later date).  This is a sign to cure mental sickness, one must approach it as murdering the devils ideals, thinking, & actions, taking its head off each and every time it shows itself.  In order to reign supreme and take our proper positions as Gods & Earths living in tune with proper positive & negative forces, creating balance in self, our families & our world, we have to leave all that is weak and wicked behind our beneath U.S. Until next shine, I exit the same way I live in….
Patience. Equilibria. Allah. Conquer’z.Eternity
The A.T.T.A.C.K.
Hon. A. Johnson
PO Box 56
Lebanon, OH  45036

Also coming soon- The P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L.A.T.T.A.C.K. Blog!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012